14.1. Adoption of the Zone District Map
14.1.1. Lands Affected: All lands lying within the boundaries of Boundary County, Idaho, which lie outside the boundaries of incorporated cities, tribal trust lands of the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, and the Boundary County Airport are hereby designated as lying within a zone district as defined herein, with these zone districts depicted on the Boundary County Zone District Map, hereby adopted by reference and declared part of this ordinance.
14.1.2. Creation/Amendment of the Zone District Map: The Zone District Map will be electronically generated and maintained by the Boundary County GIS Mapping Department so as to accurately define natural features such as lakes, rivers and streams; section and quarter section lines; state and county roads; boundaries of municipal, governmental and tribal entities not subject to this ordinance as established at Section 14.1.1; property boundaries and ownership data as maintained by the Assessor’s Office; topographical detail so as to depict the rise and fall of land; zone district boundaries; overlays where digital data is available; scale, legend and other features as become available which would benefit administration of this ordinance. The digital map will only be amended by the GIS Department.
14.1.3. Use of Digital Map: Said digital zone district map will be made accessible to the administrator, and referred to as an official reference on all applications coming before the office.
14.1.4. Printed Zone District Map to be Signed and Maintained: For general reference, a printed copy of the zone district map accurately depicting the general zone district boundaries, lakes, rivers and streams, section lines and numbers, named or numbered state and county roads, scale and legend, and bearing the signatures of the members of the board of county commissioners, will be displayed in the planning and zoning office for public review during normal business hours. Copies may also be offered for sale through the GIS Mapping Office at a price established by the board of county commissioners. A digital version, not signed but accurately depicting the above features, will be posted on the county website, available for unrestricted access.
14.1.5. Uncertainty of Zone District Boundaries: Where uncertainty exists as to the actual boundaries of any zone district depicted on the digital zoning map, the following rules to determine exact position apply:
14.1.6. Where such boundaries are indicated as approximately following the course of rivers, streams, streets, alleys, highways or railroads, the centerline of that feature will be the boundary.
14.1.7. Upon vacation of any road, alley or right of way, the zone district adjacent to abutting property will extend to the centerline of the vacated feature.
14.1.8. Where a zone district boundary is shown to follow a property line or which bisects a lot or parcel, that boundary will be determined by survey.
14.1.9. Where a zone district boundary follows a section line or quarter section line, the boundary will be determined by survey.
14.1.10. Where uncertainty exists as to zone district boundary, it shall be the responsibility of the affected property owner, by methods established above, to provide data sufficient to prove the boundary to the satisfaction of the board of county commissioners, unless the uncertainty exists due to mistake or error by Boundary County.
14.2. Interpretation: It is hereby acknowledged that this ordinance cannot and should not attempt to anticipate the myriad possible uses of land which may be proposed within its jurisdiction, and that determining highest and best use of private property rests solely with the property owner. However, it is also recognized that specific uses of land could adversely affect the rights of adjoining property owners to similarly enjoy their use of property, as well as detract from the values enjoyed by the general public as established in the comprehensive plan. Land uses established in the succeeding chapter are to be considered general only, meant to portray the nature and types of use deemed suitable for consideration within each zone district.